Illegal possession of Shamlat Lands:Issue raised by MCPI
Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 2:23 PM Implemention of Justice Kuldip Singh report Demanded
Sky rocketing price rise were also discussed
DORAHA: 3rd December 2013: (*Pawan Kumar Kaushal//Comrade Screen)The Punjab state committee meeting of Marxist Communist Party of India (United) was held at K K Kaushal Memorial Bhavan Doraha. Comrade Zora Singh Presided over the meeting. In the meeting Com. Kuldip Singh All India General Secretary of M C P I (U) gave a brief report on the International and National situation. He told the meeting that the economic crisis still prevails in America and other European countries and India is also facing the economic crisis. Due to the effect of this economic crisis un-employment, sky rocketing price rise in the essential commodities and corruption prevails in India. The corporate sector is dictating the policies of the central government.
State committee Secretary of M C P I (U)Com. Pawan Kumar Kaushal tabled the report on the state Plenum which was held at Longowal in Sangrur district and also gave a report on the party organization. After the discussions the state committee stressed on the need of strengthening the party organzaion and its mass organizations. Com. Prem Singh Bhangu, Kiranjit Sekhon, Lakhwinder Singh Bowani, Prem Singh Nanva, Malkit Singh, Mangat Ram Longowal and others members of the state committee took part in the discussions. Through resolutions the state committee condemned the Punjab Government’s policy to impose property tax on common people and asked the government to withdraw its decision on property tax. The meeting asked the government to implement the Justice Kuldip Singh report on the illegal possession of Shamlat Lands, it also condemned the state government for the sale of public property. The meeting also showed a serious concern about the increasing use of drugs among the youths and asked the government to take severe action against the drug lords and its mafia In an other resolution the stat committee asked the central government to check the trend of increasing unemployment, corruption, black marketing and hoarding of essential commodities and give subsidy on the domestic gas cylinders in cash directly to the consumer. *Pawan Kumar Kaushal is the Secretary Punjab State Committee, M C P I (U) and his mobile number is 9855004500
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