Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 2:23 PM
Implemention of Justice Kuldip Singh report Demanded
Implemention of Justice Kuldip Singh report Demanded
Sky rocketing price rise were also discussed 
State committee Secretary of M C P I (U) Com. Pawan Kumar Kaushal tabled the report on the state Plenum which was held at Longowal in Sangrur district and also gave a report on the party organization. After the discussions the state committee stressed on the need of strengthening the party organzaion and its mass organizations. Com. Prem Singh Bhangu, Kiranjit Sekhon, Lakhwinder Singh Bowani, Prem Singh Nanva, Malkit Singh, Mangat Ram Longowal and others members of the state committee took part in the discussions.